full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Paola Antonelli: Design and the Elastic Mind

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Related to the idea of cveilolcte design and to the new balance between the individual and the collectiveness, collectivity is the idea of existence miuaxmm. That's a term that I cnoeid a few years ago while I was thinking of how pressed we are together, and at the same time how these small ojcebts, like the Walkman first and then the iPod, create bubbles of space around us that enable us to have a metaphysical space that is much bgegir than our physical space. You can be in the subway and you can be completely isolated and have your own room in your iPod.

Open Cloze

Related to the idea of __________ design and to the new balance between the individual and the collectiveness, collectivity is the idea of existence _______. That's a term that I ______ a few years ago while I was thinking of how pressed we are together, and at the same time how these small _______, like the Walkman first and then the iPod, create bubbles of space around us that enable us to have a metaphysical space that is much ______ than our physical space. You can be in the subway and you can be completely isolated and have your own room in your iPod.


  1. coined
  2. objects
  3. bigger
  4. maximum
  5. collective

Original Text

Related to the idea of collective design and to the new balance between the individual and the collectiveness, collectivity is the idea of existence maximum. That's a term that I coined a few years ago while I was thinking of how pressed we are together, and at the same time how these small objects, like the Walkman first and then the iPod, create bubbles of space around us that enable us to have a metaphysical space that is much bigger than our physical space. You can be in the subway and you can be completely isolated and have your own room in your iPod.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
collective design 3
rapid manufacturing 3
seed magazine 2
royal college 2
bone tissue 2

Important Words

  1. balance
  2. bigger
  3. bubbles
  4. coined
  5. collective
  6. collectiveness
  7. collectivity
  8. completely
  9. create
  10. design
  11. enable
  12. existence
  13. idea
  14. individual
  15. ipod
  16. isolated
  17. maximum
  18. metaphysical
  19. objects
  20. physical
  21. pressed
  22. related
  23. room
  24. small
  25. space
  26. subway
  27. term
  28. thinking
  29. time
  30. walkman
  31. years